Kapiolani birth…it’s a GIRL!

I say it all the time but man…birth is wild.

When we found out we were coming to Oahu I started doing all the things to find out all the information and along that path stumbled upon Michaela Friel Photography. Months later, we’re social media friends bonding over being in the trenches as work from home moms who are also living this life as a military spouse. Much to my tremendous DELIGHT one day I get a message spilling the beans that she was expecting their fourth child and I was so dang honored when she asked if I would be her birth photographer.

As everyone anticipated…this little baby baking was going to make an early entrance much like her big brothers

So mid September I get the call that its baby time and shortly after I walk into a labor room at Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu and I get to meet Michaela in person for the first time

Hanging out with these two in this room, labor was on its steady path. Mom was able to get the relief she needed and we all ‘relaxed’ into the space of waiting. This included noticing the room next door was also in labor … and jokingly the baby race began

Some time went by and mom was feeling increasingly uncomfortable. Dad was a pro at pushing that relief button but it didn’t seem like it was enough. Although at the start of the baby race, there were doubts if she’d win…it became clear that this little bean was on a mission and we were looking at a difference of minutes to determine what day would end up being her birthday!

I’ll never forget the look on the nurses face when they came back in and checked this mom, who had only been in the hospital for a mere few hours, and the instant energy change as the table began to get prepped. Her O.B., Dr. Foley, walked in and you could tell how thankful they were to have a familiar face who had delivered a previous birth. Soon, mom was pushing and despite mom telling me she had quick deliveries, even I was surprised at just how fast baby came. Babies really do pave their own story sometimes and its one of my favorite…and nerve wracking…parts about being a birth photographer.

The moment they had been waiting for…

Like a total pro who had done this before three other times, this momma brought her baby into the world and was transformed from someone who had been on the boy mom train up until this part the moment she had laid on her chest the sweetest little GIRL!!!!

No matter how many times I document birth, these moments never get old. I love these moments of inspection and celebration. Still riding the adrenaline of labor and birth before the exhaustion fully sets in.

One thing I always make sure to document is all the fun stuff after a birth happens

Often times this part gets a little bit blurry for moms who have just delivered a baby. The weights, the measurements, the fingers and toes checks.

This little nugget got the help she needed from the nurses and then just like that…the story moves to the next chapter. In this hospital its the move from the labor and delivery unit to the maternity care and baby unit. Time to soak up THE best little newborn snuggles and take that much deserved first long stretch of sleep baby has post birth.

Thank you Friel Ohana for inviting me into this space and allowing me to capture your birth story here on Oahu!

Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children


Oahu North Shore Family Lifestyle Beach Session | Family of Five